Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Battle With Sin


                                My Battle With Sin

            I know God has a purpose in my life, but I choose to ignore it. I continue to run from God and what He has for my life. My soul wants to do His will but my flesh wants to entertain sin. The more I sin the more my soul cries out "what are you doing, don't you see you’re hurting your family! God has placed you to be the shepherd of your family and you’re letting this wolf called sin destroy it!” My eyes continue to be blinded by sin, but I know I need to choose. Do I continue to sin and lose my family because sinning is easy and it feels good? Or put my pride aside and tell God I surrender to you and keep my family? Now I have the devil telling me "how many times are you going to ask forgiveness? Don't you know you’re a nobody anyways, just end your life, you’re not worth anything, the pain you bring to your wife and family they would be better without you? And this bring me back to the trap of sin and it's leading me straight to the pits of hell. But then I remembered what GOD did for me. He sent His son to die for me. To give me  one more chance at life,  that no matter how many time I fall into this trap of sin, He is there to rescue me. I know that I’m not perfect, but my creator is. My soul will always worship you Jesus.  And devil, you were defeated a long time ago. My life is worth something.